Bad law does more than make us look bad

Letter to the Editor by Jim Meredith, Randolph County Democratic Party Chair. Published in the Courier-Tribune, Asheboro, NC April 3, 2016

I oppose HB2. I love my state and have spent most of my life being proud of it. But now, thanks to our legislators, North Carolina is known to the nation as a leader in bigotry. But this bad law does far more than just make us look like homophobes. A lot of economic fallout comes with it.

According to a High Point Furniture Market press release, we need to be aware of the “significant economic damage that HB2 is having on the High Point Market and on the North Carolina economy. Based on the reaction in just the last few days, hundreds and perhaps thousands of our customers will not attend Market this April.”


Until recently, North Carolina was considered a friendly and welcoming state. Tourism is one of our most important economic drivers. Now many tourists who might have come to enjoy the many great attractions our state has to offer, and to spend their money while here, may decide to vacation in “friendlier” and more hospitable places.

HB2 is about a lot more than where people are allowed to urinate. It eliminates local control over anti-discrimination measures and bans cities from setting local minimum wages. It allows businesses to refuse to serve people based on sexual orientation. It eliminates discrimination protections for military veterans.

It is ironic that the party of “small government” finds it necessary to reach into every aspect of our lives. Not only do they invade our bedrooms and our doctors’ offices, but they deny local governments (elected by local voters) the power to make local choices. These legislators think they have gerrymandered themselves into permanent job security.
I believe they have overreached this time. I hope they will reconsider and repeal the bill, and if they do not, I hope the voters rise up this fall and throw the rascals out.

Jim Meredith, Liberty

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