TUESDAY 6/20/17 CALLS TO ACTION: Super secret “healthcare” bill

This is the most important thing going on right now.

The Senate is still hammering out their guaranteed-to-harm-the-poor-and-indigent “healthcare” bill. Mitch McConnell and 12 other old white guys have retired to their man cave to figure out the best way to stick it to the poors. They’ll be foisting their travesty of a bill off on us any day now. They want so bad to wipe out President Obama’s signature legislation and they don’t care who they hurt in the process. (Granted, they almost always see hurting poor people as a feature, not a bug.)


Call your Senators. I cannot stress enough how important this is. Let them know we’re tired of their underhanded, behind-closed-doors dirty dealing.

SCRIPT: My name is _________ from __________ in NC. I am calling to let Sen. _______ know that I am absolutely appalled by the way Senate Republicans have gone about crafting their version of the AHCA. Putting this thing together behind closed doors, without input from anyone other than old, white men is unforgivable. If it is anything like the House version, it will be a mean-spirited handout to the wealthiest people in the US while cutting services for the poorest. I am someone who has benefited greatly from coverage under the Affordable Care Act.  I will never vote for someone who has such contempt for his fellow Americans.  Please let the Senator know that, should he support this bill, I will be working diligently to make sure that he and his Republican colleagues will be on the unemployment line at the nearest opportunity. Thank you for your time.


Going by the House version of the AHCA, how many people stand to lose their insurance? Let’s take a look, shall we? The chart below tallies the number of people in NC who are projected to lose their coverage. It is broken down by Congressional district. The 6th District’s projected loss is 99,000 people will lose coverage. Our representative, Mark Walker, voted to kick 99,000 of his closest neighbors off their health insurance. 

How many would lose coverage under Trumpcare in YOUR State/Congressional District??

Call Mark Walker also. Let him know that his vote for this bill is an affront to the people of North Carolina, and if he can’t do any better than this for his constituents he should go find another job.





Joint Program Committee & Executive Committee Meetings – Tuesday June 20, 2017 Program Committee 6-7 PM, Executive Committee 7-8 PM at RCDP Headquarters 803 W. Salisbury St. Asheboro, NC

Let’s Pack the Courtroom for the League of Women Voters –   US District Court 324 W Market St, Greensboro, North Carolina 27401  The trial begins on June 26th at 9:30 a.m. in Courtroom 3.  The League of Women Voters of NC is going to trial over NC’s ridiculously partisan gerrymandering. If athletes play better when the stands are packed with supporters, let’s assume attorneys do, too!

NCDP Unity Dinner (Formerly Jefferson-Jackson Dinner) July 15, 2017 – Details TBA