MONDAY 4/24/17 CALLS TO ACTION: Instead of walls and weapons…


Oppose Trump’s budget and threats of government shutdown.

Call the White House comment line: 202-456-1111 then, 

Call Burr, Tillis and Walker

Script: Hi. I’m from ________, calling about Trump’s budget and his threats of shutting down the government if he doesn’t get his way. I want my tax dollars to fund (*fill in the programs you support), not a billion dollar wall and 30 billion in new military spending. What is Sen/Rep _________planning to do about his budget ideas?

List of things he should support instead of walls and weapons:

  • Increase in healthcare subsidies
  • Fix the Flint, MI water crisis
  • Medical research grants
  • End homelessness
  • Support environmental protections
  • Work to stop climate change
  • Provide more tuition assistance for college students
  • Small business grants
  • Clean up drinking water EVERYWHERE




HB 467 & SB 460 Agriculture and Forestry Nuisance Remedies:

This bill would limit the ability of North Carolina residents to sue industrial hog farms for damages for polluting their air and water. This is despite mounting evidence that industrial hog farms—like Smithfield—can have significant health effects on nearby residents producing symptoms such as burning eyes, breathing problems, headaches, anxiety, and blood pressure spikes. The waste from these farms also disproportionately affects poor people and people of color who have fewer protections from environmental hazards, less ability to leave their homes during high exposure periods, and less access to medical and clinical services than residents of higher-income communities.

“In eastern North Carolina — part of the South’s Black Belt region and home to a growing Latino community and the Lumbee Tribe — the concentration of factory farms is greatest. Indeed, one University of North Carolina study found that the proportions of African Americans, Hispanics and American Indians living within three miles of an industrial hog farm in the state are 1.54, 1.39 and 2.18 times higher, respectively, than the proportion of non-Hispanic whites.”

Script:  Hi, I am a constituent from __________________ and I am calling to urge Rep./Sen. _________________ to oppose HB 467 (or SB 460), the Agriculture and Forestry Nuisance Remedies bill. This bill would restrict the ability of people to sue industrial hog farms for damages. Waste from industrial hog farms has been documented to pollute air and water sources. It has also had significant health effects on nearby residents, contributing to symptoms such as burning eye, breathing problems, and even high blood pressure. Thank you for your time.

Universal Voter Registration

S 646, Universal Voter Registration, would set up automatic voter registration at driver’s license offices, other specified public agencies, community colleges and UNC institutions.
Introduced by Sens. Woodard (D-Durham), Clark (D-Raeford), and Lowe (D-Winston-Salem).

Call your Senators, Tillman and Gunn and urge them to support Universal Voter Registration

SCRIPT:  I am calling from Randolph County and I live in Sen_________’s district. I am calling to urge Sen. ________ to support SB 646, the Universal Voter Registration bill. Universal Voter Registration is an excellent way to make sure everyone who is eligible to vote is registered. This opt-out system as opposed to our current opt-in system would reduce the number of duplications and omissions on the voter rolls, fulfilling the goals of accessibility and security in voting. I urge the Senator to support this bill. Thank you.



Actions after March for Science – How do we stay engaged after the March?

Concerned about Climate Change? Change Where You Bank




Randolph County Democratic Women’s Monthly Meeting – Saturday, April 29th at Democratic HQ, 803 W. Salisbury St. Asheboro, NC.  This is the Regular Meeting for the Democratic Women in Randolph County. We ask that you bring a breakfast item to share and a friend to share it with! We welcome all who care to participate and will be accepting membership fees for new and continued support. This is a slight deviation from our previous schedule, this meeting will be held on the 5th Saturday.

People’s Climate March –  Join us Saturday April 29th in Washington, DC to let Trump know that we won’t let him pollute the air and wreck the climate on our watch!  There is no denying it: Donald Trump’s election is a threat to the future of our planet, the safety of our communities, and the health of our families. If the policies he proposed on the campaign trail are implemented, they will destroy our climate, decimate our jobs and livelihoods, and undermine the civil rights and liberties won in many hard-fought battles. It’s up to us to stop that from happening before it starts.

Indivisible:NC 6th Congressional District will hold Our first general meeting since the original organizational meeting held back in January.  Let’s see how we’re doing: where we are and where we hope to go. There will be time for feedback and for socializing, because all work and no play makes for dull activism! We’d love to have you all there. Please reply to and please join! BYOB and a snack to share. When: Sunday April 30, at 3:00 p.m. Where: North 87 South, 8874 NC Hwy 87, Graham, NC 27253 See On Map