FRIDAY 2/24/17 CALLS TO ACTION: Nyet, comrade, no investigation for you!

Mitch McConnell, Jason Chaffetz and other leading GOP lawmakers think the nation should move past investigating Trump’s Russian ties. However, Republican leaders of conscience such as John McCain, along with Democrats and concerned citizens of all political stripes think it absolutely imperative to fully investigate Russia’s meddling in our electoral process, and exactly what contact was made between key Trump aides and Russian operatives. We just don’t know what happened, and only a select, bipartisan committee will have the scope and authority to get at issues of grave national security.


Hello, I am a constituent in Randolph County, zip code______. I am calling to urge Rep. / Senator ___________ to call for the creation of a select committee to thoroughly investigate possibly illegal and unethical ties to Russia that may exist between the Trump administration, his transition team, and his campaign.…/index.cfm/office-locations

“Killing nutrition standards and voucherizing schools. Ginny, I think I’m in love.” said Paul, batting his eyelashes.


In the House of Representatives, North Carolina’s Virginia Foxx is promoting a bill that would directly assault public schools by funding voucher programs, while at the same time diluting nutritional standards for school meals. As the fiercely anti-public school Betsy DeVos takes over the education department, it is now more important than ever to protect full, fair, and equitable funding for public education.

Hello, I am a constituent in zip code______ I am not a paid protester. I am calling to urge Rep. _________________ to vote against Virginia Foxx’s HR 610, which provides funding to create a national school voucher program. School vouchers will gut our public education system and will be especially harmful for students in rural communities where there are fewer options for students. I am also very concerned about the removal of nutritional standards in school lunches. Please urge Rep. _______________ to oppose HR 610.
House contacts:

Don’t forget about Precinct Organization!

Tomorrow morning in the downstairs meeting room of the Asheboro Library, immediately following the Randolph County Democratic Women’s breakfast meeting. The Dem Women’s meeting will begin at 9:30 and is open to all Democrats. You’re invited to come and bring a breakfast item to share if you like. The following precincts will be organizing tomorrow:
  • Asheboro East
  • Asheboro North 
  • Asheboro South 
  • Asheboro West
  • Back Creek 
  • Grant 
  • Union Grove

The schedule for the remainder of Randolph County precinct meetings will be announced very soon.