WEDNESDAY 4/5/17 CALLS TO ACTION: The filibuster is on!

Review the resolutions we will be putting to a vote at the Convention on Saturday. Comments welcome.


Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon) is holding the floor to filibuster the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to a stolen seat on the Supreme Court of the United States. As of 6AM, he has been speaking 12 hours.

Watch at C-SPAN



Filibuster and the Nuclear Option

Thom Tillis’ statement about the Senate filibuster is patently false and misleading: “Senate Democrats are threatening to block an up-or-down vote for Judge Gorsuch’s confirmation, breaking a nearly 230-year old precedent of confirming Supreme Court nominees by a simple majority vote because they cannot accept that they lost the election.”

Wrong, Senator Tillis.

The GOP shattered all political norms by refusing to even hold hearings for the centrist Merrick Garland. That, and the fact that Gorsuch is a darling of the extreme right who holds questionable or unknown views are the real reasons principled Democrats are standing firm. Call every one of Tillis’s offices to set the record straight. Also, please comment on his Facebook page.

I am a North Carolina constituent calling to voice my strong disagreement with Senator Tillis’ description of the Democrats’ filibuster of Neil Gorsuch. In fact, the Republicans, including the Senator, were the ones who shattered Senate norms by refusing to consider any nominee for the Supreme Court put forth by then President Obama. Democrats are fighting back against Republican overreach. Thank you for recording my call.


NC Senate Tax Bill:
The GOP in the North Carolina Senate is proposing what they call a “Billion Dollar Middle Class Tax Cut.” Sounds great, right? Of course, in actual practice, this is just a huge tax break for millionaires with no real benefits for the middle-class and poor workers who really need the help. It would also gut our state budget at a time when we need more funding for pressing issues like schools, highways, and Hurricane Matthew recovery. According to Progressive Pulse, a millionaire in North Carolina will have received an average annual tax cut of $20,000, while only a third of taxpayers who earn less than $20,000 would get anything. More crucially, these income tax policies do not address the reality that many low-income taxpayers contribute through sales tax and do not have sufficient income to benefit from increasing the standard deduction or a Child Tax Credit that is not refundable.

Hello, I am a constituent from ___________ and I am calling to urge Sen. ______________ to oppose the so-called “Billion Dollar Middle Class Tax Cut” bill. This bill is a thinly disguised attempt to give tax breaks to the wealthiest taxpayers, while doing nothing to relieve the tax burden on North Carolina residents earning less than $20,000 a year. It will also contribute to underfunding needed public services such as health care, education, and Hurricane Matthew recovery. Please tell Sen. ____________ to vote against “The Billion Dollar Middle Class Tax Cut.”

Thanks to RISE Together NC for today’s calls to action


Program Committee/Fundraising Committee Meeting**TONIGHT** Wednesday April 5, 7:00pm at Democratic Headquarters 803 W. Salisbury St. Asheboro Join us as we work on programs for the coming year, including preparation for the County Convention, campaign activities, learning sessions, fundraising activities and much more. If you’re not a member, but would like to become one, please join us. Email for more details.

Moms Demand Action lobby day – RSVP at link. Join us as we urge our representatives to support sensible gun laws at the General Assembly. Together we will ensure that the legislature preserves safe campuses, background checks, and other gun sense laws.   Wednesday, 05 April, 9 AM NC General Assembly, North Portico 16 W. Jones St. Raleigh, NC 27601
Randolph County Democratic Convention – Saturday April 8, 2017 at Randolph County Courthouse. If you are a delegate or an officer in your precinct, please join us to elect new officers, vote on resolutions, and help set the course for our party for the next elections season.

Lunch with Lawmakers – Friday April 21, 2017 Archdale Trinity Chamber of Commerce is having a forum to make Reps. Pat Hurley and Allen McNeill  and Senator Jerry Tillman available to answer questions from constituents. See the link for the official flyer from the Chamber.