MONDAY 4/3/17 CALLS TO ACTION: Marching into April



Many of our Congressional representatives from North Carolina have a sad history of denying or questioning the scientific validity of climate change. If we are going to stop Trump and save our planet, that needs to stop today. Those who would favor big polluters always paint the issue as a choice between jobs and the environment. In fact, the green energy sector is becoming a leading industry worldwide, one that our competitor China has already seized.

Mark Walker has said: We can be green without being extreme. Much of the ‘so-called’ science of climate change is contested though it’s made a few politicians quite wealthy. I believe that God provided the earth to us and we have a responsibility to conserve and respect the environment.” (his campaign web site from 2014)

The only scientists who contest climate change are the ones who are on the payrolls of those industries that stand to benefit from denying it.

Call Rep. Walker to demand that he clarify his stance on the environment, and that he uses his influence and votes to pressure the administration to stop its war on the planet. If staffers give you contradictory information about where their rep stands on the environment or if they attempt to deny using pseudo-science, please make a note of it. Always ask for the staffer’s name, too.

SCRIPT: I am a North Carolina constituent from Randolph County, calling to register my concern about the Trump administration’s gutting of environmental protections. Representative Walker has gone on record questioning the scientific consensus on climate change. That is an irresponsible position, because 97% of scientists do agree that it is human created. I urge Representative Walker to listen to the scientists and push for full funding for the EPA, full commitment to the Paris Accords, and strong investment in the renewable energy sector. Thank you for recording my call.


SB 554 The creation of a joint legislative study session on fair redistricting.

The excellent bill does not commit the state to anything now, but its language points to the injustice of race-based gerrymandering and the need to use guidelines long established under the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Tellingly, this bill is being sponsored by three African-American state Senators, Angela Bryant, Floyd McKissick, Jr., and Gladys Robinson. Call and email to find out where your representative stands on this bill.

SCRIPT: I am a constituent from ________ calling to urge Senator ___________ to support SB554, a bill that creates a legislative study session on fair redistricting. Fair voting districts are essential for a healthy democracy. Thank you for recording my call.


NC Senate bill would end some retirement benefits for new state workers

“Under Senate Bill 467, filed Wednesday, state workers hired after July 2018 would not be eligible for enrollment in the state health insurance plan when they retire. Health coverage would last only as long as they worked for the state. And most of those new workers would not be eligible for state pensions, but would be offered the option of enrolling in 401(k) plans. Unlike a pension, a 401(k) plan doesn’t guarantee a specific level of retirement benefits.”

SCRIPT: Pensions and health coverage after retirement have been a perk that state employees have earned for a long time. Under SB 467 state workers would not be eligible for health insurance after retirement and would have their pension replaced by a 401(K), which leaves their retirement income to the mercy of the stock market. I urge Sen ___________ to please vote “no” on this bill and work to keep state employees’ pensions fully funded using methods other than cuts to benefits.  Thank you.


April is March Season (From Solidarity Sundays)

Want to get back some of that incredible energy you felt at the Women’s March? Bust out your poster boards and take to the streets…APRIL IS MARCH SEASON.

Tax March
So, maybe the Rachel Maddow/Trump tax return bombshell failed to detonate. Time to take matters into our own hands! On Saturday, April 15, we’ll be marching to remind Trump that he works for us, and we demand to see his tax returns. Check out the Tax March website for more info and to find a local march near you!

March for Science
The mischaracterization of science as a partisan issue has given policymakers permission to reject overwhelming evidence. If you support scientific research and evidence-based policies, it’s time to stand and be counted. The main march takes place in DC, but there are currently 428 (!!!) satellite marches listed on the March for Science website. Join the movement.

People’s Climate March

Just a week ago, Trump signed an executive order that begins the process of rolling back at least six Obama-era executive orders aimed at curbing climate change and regulating carbon emissions. Now more than ever, protecting our environment is a top priority. If you’re going to be in the DC area on April 29, join the People’s Climate March!



Program Committee/Fundraising Committee Meeting – Wednesday April 5, 7:00pm Join us as we work on programs for the coming year, including preparation for the County Convention, campaign activities, learning sessions, fundraising activities and much more. If you’re not a member, but would like to become one, please join us. Email for more details.

Randolph County Democratic Convention – Saturday April 8, 2017 at Randolph County Courthouse. If you are a delegate or an officer in your precinct, please join us to elect new officers, vote on resolutions, and help set the course for our party for the next elections season.

Lunch with Lawmakers – Friday April 21, 2017 Archdale Trinity Chamber of Commerce is having a forum to make Reps. Pat Hurley and Allen McNeill  and Senator Jerry Tillman available to answer questions from constituents. See the link for the official flyer from the Chamber.