THURSDAY 3/16/17 CALLS TO ACTION: Грустный *

♦TONIGHT♦  NAACP Randolph County Showing of SELMA – This Thursday March 16th at 7:00PM at Greater St. John Baptist Church 819 MLK Dr. Asheboro, NC.


Top Republicans such as Senators Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham are putting pressure on the administration by refusing to confirm the pick for deputy Attorney General until he answers questions from the FBI. Remember that this person, Rod Rosenstein, will be acting in place of Jeff Sessions, who has recused himself.

Grassley: No confirmation vote for DOJ’s No. 2 until Comey briefs Senate

What should you ask for when you call? Essentially, you just want to make sure the representative knows that this issue is important to you.

Some ideas:

  • ask for a special Congressional investigative committee
  • ask for a specially appointed prosecutor
  • ask for increased scrutiny from the committees in the House and the Senate that are already doing this work.
  • ask for Trump’s tax returns for at least the last 10 years, so that we may see who he has financial ties to

SCRIPT: Tailor your script accordingly

I am a constituent from zip code ________ calling to urge my Rep./Senator to call for continued bipartisan investigation of possibly illegal ties between the Trump administration and Russia. At the very least, Trump’s tax returns must be subpoenaed. Thanks for recording my call.

STATE: Three bad bills

Choose one or all to call about.

HB 35 & HB 63, bills that are generally anti-immigrant

HB 35 would require even the smallest businesses to use the eVerify system, creating unnecessary burdens for these companies. It would also prevent cities from declaring themselves sanctuaries, essentially grabbing more power away from municipalities, just like HB2 does.

HB 63 threatens the state with lawsuits, because it invites racial profiling and violates the fourth amendment to the Constitution. The bill needlessly and significantly increases penalties for using false documentation in a way that deliberately and cruelly targets immigrants.

HB 328

HB 328, a bill to “investigate” whether the ACC and NCAA violated tax-exempt status when they boycotted NC over HB2.

Example Script: Hello Sen./Rep. ______________. I am a constituent calling to express my concern about House Bills 35 and 63. Please tell Sen./Rep. _______________ to oppose these bills. Instead of scapegoating immigrants, we need to advocate for comprehensive immigration reform.


Upcoming Events

RCDP Volunteer Appreciation Potluck – Tuesday March 21 at The Exchange. See link for details.

Randolph County Democratic Convention – April 8, 2017 at Randolph County Courthouse. If you are a delegate or an officer in your precinct, please join us to elect new officers, vote on resolutions, and help set the course for our party for the next elections season.

*Грустный = Sad! ?