THURSDAY 4/20/17 CALLS TO ACTION: Grabby hands and missing Senators


Town Halls: Our illustrious legislators in Washington are still not wanting to have town halls to meet their constituents face to face. They talk tough, but they seem to have feathers on their legs. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to ask them in person why they are dragging their feet on an investigation in to Trump’s ties to Russia or what they plan to do about healthcare now that their totally-not-made-up-on-the-fly replacement for the ACA crashed and burned.

Call Burr, Tillis and Walker

Hi, I am a constituent from __________ and I am calling to urge Rep./Sen. _____________ to schedule an in-person town hall or constituent meeting as soon as possible. Elected officials work for us, and should engage in dialogue with us about key issues such as ______________. When may I expect the Rep./Sen. to speak directly to his constituents?






We just found out today that Common Cause and several NC residents have filed a lawsuit against Lt. Governor Dan Forest, Speaker of the House Tim Moore and Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger. This lawsuit alleges that the 4th special session called by the NCGA last year was unconstitutional because citizens were given almost no advance notice of the session and therefore citizens could not have advised their legislators about the bills passed in that session. If the court finds the session unconstitutional, the legislation passed during the session would be voided. Those bills were Senate Bill 4, which changed the structure of state and county boards of elections and the State Ethics Commission, created partisan appellate judicial elections, and stripped the newly elected governor of the power to administer the Industrial Commission and House Bill 17, which curtailed the governor’s appointive powers and transferred power from the State Board of Education to the Superintendent of Public Instruction. 

Lawsuit contends General Assembly held illegal session

Full text of the filing

Support Common Cause North Carolina

Let your legislator know that you don’t approve of partisan power grabs and that we are all watching to see whether they represent their constituents or whether they will try to increase their own power by trying to subvert the NC Constitution.

SCRIPT: Hello, I am from __________________ in the Senator/Representative’s district. I read about the lawsuit recently filed against the Lt. Governor, the Speaker and the President Pro Tempore regarding the unconstitutional power grab that was the 4th special session last year. The General Assembly that has already tried too many times to undermine the separation of powers. It is time to stop playing games and do your job.  Thank you for your time.


Lunch with Lawmakers – Friday April 21, 2017 Archdale Trinity Chamber of Commerce is having a forum to make Reps. Pat Hurley and Allen McNeill and Senator Jerry Tillman available to answer questions from constituents. See the link for the official flyer from the Chamber.

March for Science, Greensboro – Saturday April 22 The rally and march in Greensboro will include short speeches from local scientists who work at North Carolina A & T, UNC Greensboro, and other local organizations. We will also be featuring performances from local bands Disaster Recovery and Viva La Muerte, and from kid activist Sage Advice. Supporters of science from across the Piedmont Triad will gather at this event.  To help costs related to the march, please contribute to our gofundme page!  Leftover money will be used to send deserving local children to a local science camp.

Randolph County Democratic Women’s Monthly Meeting – This is the Regular Meeting for the Democratic Women in Randolph County. We ask that you bring a breakfast item to share and a friend to share it with! We welcome all who care to participate and will be accepting membership fees for new and continued support. This is a slight deviation from our previous schedule, this meeting will be held on the 5th Saturday.

People’s Climate March –  Join us Saturday April 29th in Washington, DC to let Trump know that we won’t let him pollute the air and wreck the climate on our watch!  There is no denying it: Donald Trump’s election is a threat to the future of our planet, the safety of our communities, and the health of our families. If the policies he proposed on the campaign trail are implemented, they will destroy our climate, decimate our jobs and livelihoods, and undermine the civil rights and liberties won in many hard-fought battles. It’s up to us to stop that from happening before it starts.

Indivisible:NC 6th Congressional District will hold Our first general meeting since the original organizational meeting held back in January.  Let’s see how we’re doing: where we are and where we hope to go. There will be time for feedback and for socializing, because all work and no play makes for dull activism! We’d love to have you all there. Please reply to and please join! BYOB and a snack to share. When: Sunday April 30, at 3:00 p.m. Where: North 87 South, 8874 NC Hwy 87, Graham, NC 27253 See On Map