WEDNESDAY 5/3/17 CALLS TO ACTION: Zombie Trumpcare – It’s baaaack!


I don’t know about you but I’m getting pretty tired of the shenanigans surrounding the Republican Insurance Plan (RIP). Just remember, if Republicans support it, it means the government covers less, the rich get tax breaks, and the middle and lower class get the shaft.


It seems as if there are a few Republicans, who are probably scared of losing their seats next year, who are defecting.

Influential Republican Attacks Party’s New Health Care Bill

Why do Republicans hate veterans? Zombie Trumpcare edition

Call Richard Burr, Thom Tillis and Mark Walker

SCRIPT: My name is __________ from ___________ and I am calling to demand that the Sen/Rep rescind their support of these ridiculous Republican-crafted “healthcare plans” which do nothing but punish the sick and the poor while handing piles of money and tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans. The Sen/Rep needs to focus his attention on strengthening the Affordable Care Act or better yet, get on board with H.R.676, the Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act. Thank you for your time.


And while we’re talking about clueless Republicans and their thoughts on healthcare for the poor and sick, NC congressman says where you live could determine how much health coverage you get.  What is it about the fine, upstanding Christian Republicans that makes them do and say the exact opposite of what Jesus would say and do?

“U.S. Rep. Robert Pittenger Tuesday defended his support of a provision in the Republican health care proposal that would let some states charge more for coverage of pre-existing conditions, telling reporters that “People can go to the state that they want to live in.”

So, according to Robert Pittenger, who is just as clueless as Mark Walker on healthcare, you should just move to another state if you don’t like how healthcare is handled in your home state. As usual, he and his Republican friends are out of touch with the people they are supposed to be representing.

We need to enlist the help of our state level legislators to help mitigate the damage the US Congress is trying to do, which is why you should:

Call your Reps and Senators in the General Assembly

SCRIPT: My name is _________ from ___________. I am calling to urge the Rep/Sen to support HB 858 to expand Medicaid in North Carolina. It is unconscionable that the poor and sick in North Carolina sometimes have to choose between buying groceries or receiving medical care or between buying their medications and paying their rent or mortgage. It is time for NC to expand Medicaid so that the maximum number of North Carolinians can have affordable health coverage. Thank you for your time.

Upcoming Events: 

Program / Fundraising Committee meeting – Wednesday May 3 at 7:00PM at Democratic Headquarters, 803 W. Salisbury St. Asheboro, NC.