TUESDAY 2/14/17 CALLS TO ACTION: Love Trumps Hate

HAPPY Valentine’s Day!!!

In case you missed it MICHAEL FLYNN has resigned. That’s two down, including Jason Miller, who had been tapped as Communications Director, then resigned within 48 hours. Now if we could only get the rest of them to resign!


You know who Andrew Puzder is, right? Have you ever seen those Hardee’s commercials with the half-naked women rolling around smearing hamburgers on themselves? Andrew Puzder is the CEO responsible for that.

CALL/EMAIL The Senators to block Puzder 

I am a constituent in zip code _______ and I oppose the nomination of Andrew Puzder as Secretary of Labor. That department was created specifically to protect the rights of wage workers. A union leader or labor advocate is a suitable choice, not a fast-food CEO (Hardees and Carl’s Jr.). In fact, Puzder’s companies have violated laws about overtime and minimum wage in thousands of cases.

Puzder is against working people. He believes the minimum wage should stay at $7.25, has fought Obama’s overtime protections, and is against affordable health care. Clearly, Puzder is on the side of CEOs and billionaires and NOT working people. Please make a record of my call. And thank you so very much for your time and hard work.

♥VALENTINE’S DAY with Burr and Tillis♥

Attend an ACA support day near you on Resist Trump Tuesday Valentine’s Edition.

Winston Salem

**Keep calling you Senators to request a town hall. Let us know if they finally agree to one (I won’t hold my breath!).
Senator Richard Burr
Washington, DC: (202) 224-3154 Fax: (202) 228-2981
Asheville: (828) 350-2437 Fax: (828) 350-2439
Wilmington: (910) 251-1058 Fax: (910) 251-7975
Gastonia: (704) 833-0854
Winston-Salem: (336) 631-5125 Fax: (202) 228-2981
Rocky Mount: (202) 224-3154 Fax: (252) 977-7902
217 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Senator Thom Tillis
Washington, DC: (202) 224-6342 Fax: (202) 228-2563
Charlotte: (704)509-9087 Fax: 704-509-9162
Greenville: (252) 329-0371 Fax: (252) 329-0290
Hendersonville: (828) 693-8750 Fax: (828) 693-9724
High Point: (336) 885-0685 Fax: (336) 885-0692
Raleigh: (919) 856-4630 Fax: (919) 856-4053
185 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510


State Politics

http://www.endgerrymanderingnow.com/ – Should we choose our elected officials?  Or should elected officials choose their voters?  By manipulating district maps, the North Carolina Legislature has clustered groups of voters together and broken them apart in ways that minimize their impact. The result for the state of North Carolina?  Minority voters have been disenfranchised, public schools have been degraded, tax policies have negatively impacted the majority, local governments have been usurped and radical social issues have become the legislature’s priority.  By redrawing the district maps logically and fairly, we can restore free and fair democracy to North Carolina.

March 1st Citizen Lobby Day to stop Gerrymandering
If you have some time please consider this citizen lobby day to meet with state legislators and ask them to support legislation to draw independent districts!

Also, the series America Divided is free to view on Amazon Prime right now, so if you are enrolled in Prime, I recommend you go watch all five episodes. Episodes 4 & 5 follow the actor Zach Galifianakis, who was born in Wilkesboro, NC, as he explores NC Politics and how a state as forward thinking and progressive as NC *used* to be, turned into the test ground for all things regressive and right-wing.